Showing Tag: "coffee degassing valve" (Show all posts)

Coffee manufacturing and some informations

Posted by marionlara on Tuesday, May 29, 2012, In : business 

Everyone likes to have cold coffee in this hot summer but have you ever given a thought on the thing how coffee is being made? Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the word. Almost everyone consumes it once or twice day. From students to teachers, from workers to their bosses everyone here needs it. No doubt coffee stimulates our system but too much intake of it is also very harmful. A next consumed beverage is the tea. Tea and coffee are now a day the best earning for people. The...

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Posted by marionlara on Thursday, January 19, 2012, In : business 


The paper bags are on the cloud 9 these days.  The only reason for this is the its out standing property of biodegradability.  Its property of getting degraded into the soil does not affect or harm the environment.  The degradation means conversion of complex compounds into the simpler units.  These units are easily accepted by the microbes or the trees which acts as a source of nutrition for them.  Thus, a natural cycle is formed in the environment. 


This cycle in biological term is kn...

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